Begins June 27, 2025

SCHEDULE: 3 days - from 8am to 6pm
Friday, June 27th
Saturday, June 28th
Sunday, June 29th

LOCATION: Hot Yoga Revolution - Cranford

200 South Ave East Suite 202, Cranford, NJ 07016

TUITION: Early Bird Price - $600 (must be paid in full by 5/1) | Full-Price $650

Yin yoga is the relaxed practice of floor postures that are held for three to five minutes at a time. A yin practice emphasizes the connective tissues of the hips, thighs, pelvis and lower spine. It prepares the body and mind for longer meditation practices. It draws the practitioners’ awareness away from the muscles and deeper into the bones, obtaining a deep level of relaxed focus and awareness.


  • The Yin practice of non-straining and how it influences our lives and our teaching

  • The movement of Qi or Prana in the body and how it can be affected by yin practice

  • Yin yoga poses: analysis, modifications, alternatives how to teach them

  • Teaching Technique: sequencing, assists, what it means to hold a safe, sacred space for a yin practice

  • Anatomy: natural anatomical patterns, skeletal segments, muscle groups, the concepts of target areas and functional yoga. Skeletal variations, tension X compression, and more

  • Chakra theory

  • Meditation

  • Concepts of Karma, Samskaras, and Vasanas

  • Fascia and meridians

*This training is registered with Yoga Alliance and counts as 30 CEUs


Meet Yin teacher: Naomi Pagan-Fox

Naomi has been a clinician in Health Care & Rehabilitation for over 35 years, and she felt called to action when she began to realize how our environment’s fast pace was slowly depleting people’s health. Although there are yang aspects of wellness that she truly enjoyed - like participating in 2 Iron Man competitions, Martial Arts, Hun Gar Kung Fu and TKD, and then later in life the different styles of Yang Yoga like Bikram, Ashtanga & Iyengar - it was Raja Yoga that spoke to her. Naomi has been a Reiki Master for over 40 years, and it has filled her heart with so much joy to touch people’s lives and see the changes in their being through Reiki. When she started guiding students in Yin Yoga, she knew she truly found her passion.

Naomi currently holds over 1100 hours of yoga training. 600 of those hours in Yin Yoga, and she is a 500 hour ERYT through the Yoga Alliance.

Naomi has been leading Yin teacher trainings for years - and has trained many of HYR's spectacular Yin Yoga teachers. It is through Naomi and these teachers under her tutelage that we have truly come to embrace Yin Yoga at HYR - the Yin to our Yang.

From Naomi:

I am beyond grateful for so many of my Yin teachers, Paul Grilley, Sara Powers and Bernie Clark, but I am even more grateful for my Tutu (my grandmother) a Kahuna (a shaman) who showed me the ways of Huna. I am so honored to now share that with you. Seekers of the knowledge [Kahune’s] – Healers of the people.